Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Beginning Of The Rest Of My Life

I am working so hard on getting my business going, and it is going, but also on preparing it for the future, my future, my kids future. And no more Bunbun. Chino, my bunny is gone. That is sad but she went to live on a farm so hopefully she is happier. I feel like I let her down. I just couldn't deal with her marking my home with you know what. It's too gross. And she is one expensive eater. Her vegies alone were costing about $2.50 per day. Crazy appetite. I'm attaching a video of Chino being crazy only a few short weeks ago. Wonder if I will get some sleep tonight or maybe I will pull an all nighter so I can get lots of work done. The pile on my desk never seems to get shorter. I guess I am grateful that its not out of control like I thought it was going to stay last week. No more bunny to pick up after so more time for work. Okay, I suppose I know what I'm doing when it comes to making a blog. Cool. Another lesson learned. Chow Chow.   
Hey, I am back. I slept for a little while. Decided staying up all night wasn't the most productive thing to be doing no matter what a good idea it sounded like for a minute or two. Fact is I need sleep and if I don't get it now it will catch up with me in a bad way one day. 
I'm just babbling here. I need to get focused and get busy with the next steps toward future success. The list keeps growing but I'm not over whelmed anymore. Thank God for that. I will be back to talk about some great products I have to offer you. I look forward to that. Till then take care.

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